Terms and Conditions

  1. Your relationship with the tinlookup.com

    1. Your use of the TIN-check products, services and applications (jointly designated in this document as "Services" and excluding any services provided to you by tinlookup.com by separate written agreement) is subject to the terms of the Legal agreement between you and Deltasys, the company responsible for the tinlookup.com website. "Deltasys" means Deltasys - Engenharia e Tecnologias de Informação, Lda, headquartered at Rua Alves Redol Nº3C loja C, 2675-285 Odivelas, Portugal. This document explains how the agreement is made and regulates some of the terms of this agreement.

    2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with Deltasys, your agreement with Deltasys will always include, at a minimum, the terms and conditions set forth in this document. These are hereinafter referred to as "Universal Terms"

    3. In addition to the Universal Terms, your agreement with Deltasys will also include the terms of any Legal Notices applicable to the Services. All these terms are forward referred to as “Additional Terms”. When Additional Terms apply to a Service, these will be provided to you to read within the framework of, or through your use of, that Service.

    4. The Universal Terms, together with the Additional Terms, form a legally binding agreement binding between you and Deltasys with respect to your use of the Services. It is important that take time to read them carefully. Together, this legal agreement is hereinafter referred to as "Terms".

    5. In case there is any contradiction between what the Additional Terms say and what the Universal Terms, then the Additional Terms in relation to that Service shall prevail.

  2. Acceptance of Terms

    1. To use the Services, you must first accept the Terms. You should not use the Services if you do not accept the Terms.

    2. You can accept the Terms:(A) by clicking on accept or agree to the Terms, in the option that you is made available by Deltasys in the user interface for any Service; or (B) using actually the Services. In this case, you acknowledge and accept that Deltasys will take your use of the Services as an acceptance of the Terms from that time forward.

    3. You will not use the Services and will not accept the Terms if (a) you are not of legal age to sign a binding contract with Deltasys, or (b) is a person barred from receiving the Services under the Laws of Portugal or other countries, including the country where you are resident or the Country from which you use the Services.

    4. Before proceeding, you should print or save a local copy of the Universal Terms for the your records.

  3. Provision of Services by Deltasys

    1. Deltasys is constantly innovating to offer the best experience to your customers. users. You acknowledge and accept that the form and nature of the Services Deltasys provides may change occasionally without notifying you in advance.

    2. As part of this constant innovation, you recognize and accept that Deltasys can, at its discretion, stop (permanently or temporarily) from providing the Services (or any part of the Services) to you or to the generality of users, without notifying them previously. You can stop using the services at any time. No need to specifically inform Deltasys when you stop using the Services.

    3. You acknowledge and accept that if Deltasys deactivates your account, you may be prevented from accessing the Services, your account data or any file or other content that is on the your account.

    4. You acknowledge and accept that, although Deltasys does not currently set a maximum limit for transmissions sent or received through the Services or storage space used for the provision of any Service, it may at its discretion and the at any time set such maximum limits

    5. You acknowledge and accept that the purchase of "credits" does not grant you access to any information specific of any entity, as this purchase is only the act by which acquires the "credits" service.

    6. You acknowledge and accept that the "credits" have no validity date and do not expires after a certain period of time.

    7. The services provided by deltasys are performed through the user account created at https://api.tinlookup.com/register/ deducting a certain number of credits on the user account for each API request.

    8. The cost of each API request may vary by type of operation according to the information indicated in https://tinlookup.com/en/pricing/

    9. In the user account at api.tinlookup.com, credits can be purchased for the amounts indicated in https://tinlookup.com/en/pricing/

    10. The payment methods available are those presented during the purchase process in the user's account at api.tinlookup.com.

  4. Your use of the Services

    1. To access the Services, you may be asked for personal information (such as identification or contact details) as part of the registration process for the Service, or part of its use of the Services. You agree that the registration information you provide to Deltasys will always be true, correct and up to date.

    2. You agree that you will use the Services only for purposes generally permitted (a) the Terms and (b) any applicable legislation, regulation or practices and guidelines generally accepted in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws relating to the export of data or software to and from Portugal or any relevant country).

    3. You agree not to access (or even attempt to access) any of the Services by any means that not through the interface that is provided by Deltasys, unless for this specifically authorized in a separate agreement between you and Deltasys.

    4. You agree that you will not carry out any activity that interferes with or interrupts the Services (or the servers and networks that are related to the Services).

    5. Unless you have been specifically authorized to do so in a separate agreement between you and Deltasys, agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, market or resell the Services for any purpose.

    6. You agree that you will be solely responsible for (and that Deltasys has no liability whatsoever before you or any third party) for any failure to fulfill its obligations arising from these Terms and the consequences (including any loss or damage that the Deltasys may suffer) from any of these breaches.

    7. You accept that when you register with the tinlookup.com, you are giving your consent for them to be sent emails arising from your use of the service, in particular relating to notifications, alerts and information about new features or updates.

  5. The security of your passwords and your account

    1. You acknowledge and accept that you will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of passwords associated with any account you use to access the Services.

    2. Consequently, you accept that you will be solely responsible to Deltasys for all activities that occur under your account.

    3. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or account, you accept notify Deltasys immediately.

  6. Privacy and your personal information

    1. For information about the data protection practices at the tinlookup.com, please read the privacy policy. This policy explains how Deltasys handles your personal information and protects your privacy when using the Services.

    2. You agree to the use of your data in accordance with Deltasys' privacy policy

  7. Content on the Services

    1. You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Deltasys is not responsible to you or to third parties for) any Content that you create, transmit or view while using the Services and for the consequences of those actions (including any loss or damage that the Deltasys may suffer).

    2. Deltasys declines all responsibility for the content of any messages or information disclosed by users, resulting from or related to access or the use of the Services, or inability to access or use the Services, or any of the its functions or functionalities, including those related to any type of search or downloading any information, data, text, images or other accessible material through the Services or any website accessed from or that provides access to this Website, or by the content of third-party information on the Internet, even if the access is made through the Site.

  8. Property Rights

    1. You acknowledge and agree that Deltasys retains all legal rights, title and interest in, and with respect to the Services, including any intellectual property rights that subsist on the Services (whether these rights are registered or not, and anywhere in the world where these rights may exist). Additionally, it acknowledges that the Services may contain information designated as confidential by Deltasys and which it will not disclose without the Deltasys' prior written consent.

    2. Unless you have agreed otherwise in writing with Deltasys, nothing in the Terms gives you the right to use any of the brand names, service marks, logos, names of domain and any other distinctive Deltasys signs.

    3. If you have been given an explicit right to use any of these distinctive signs of the mark in a separate written agreement with Deltasys, then you agree that your use of these features will be made in compliance with this agreement, any applicable provisions of the Terms, and brand sign usage guidelines, as updated from time to time.

    4. With the exception of the limited license provided for in Section 11, Deltasys acknowledges and accepts that it does not obtains any right, title or interest from you under these Terms in, or in respect of, a, any Content that you may submit, address, transmit or view on or through of the Services, including any intellectual property rights that may subsist in that Content (whether those rights are registered or not, and in any part of the world where those rights may exist). Unless you have agreed in writing in Contrary to Deltasys, you agree that you are responsible for protecting and executing those rights and that Deltasys has no obligation to do so on your behalf.

    5. You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any of your rights information property (including information on copyright and trademark rights) that may be posted or contained in the Services.

    6. Unless expressly authorized in writing by Deltasys to do so, you acknowledge that when using the Services you will not use any brand, service mark, denomination logo of any company or organization in such a way that it is probable or intended to cause confusion regarding the owner or authorized user of these brands, names or logos.

  9. Termination of your relationship with Deltasys

    1. The Terms will continue to apply until terminated by you or Deltasys such as set out below.

    2. If you wish to terminate your legal agreement with Deltasys, you may do so by notifying Deltasys at any time and (b) closing your accounts for all Services by you used, whenever Deltasys has made this option available to you. Your notification of termination needs to be sent per e-mail in writing to the Deltasys address set forth at the beginning of these Terms and which address is indicated here: info@tinlookup.com.

    3. Deltasys may terminate this legal agreement with you at any time if:(A) You have violated any provision of the Terms (or has acted in a way that clearly shows that it does not intends or may not comply with the provisions of the Terms); or (B) This is required of the Deltasys by law (for example, when the provision of Services to you is or becomes illegal); or(C) The partner with whom Deltasys offered you Services has ended its relationship with Deltasys or has ceased to offer the Services to you; or (D) Deltasys is transition to a situation in which it no longer provides services to users in the country in which it is residing in or using the Service; or (E) The provision of Services to you provided by Deltasys is no longer, in Deltasys' opinion, commercially viable.

    4. Nothing in this section shall affect Deltasys' rights relating to the provision of Services to under Section 4 of the Terms.

    5. When these Terms expire, all legal rights, obligations and liabilities have been benefited by you and Deltasys, who have been subject to (or have accrued while the Terms have been in effect) or expressly continue in force indefinitely, are not affected by this termination, and the provisions of the paragraph 10.7 will continue to apply to those rights, obligations and responsibilities indefinitely.

  10. Exclusion of Warranties

    1. The services are provided "as is", as "available"  and Deltasys will not make any express or implied warranty of any kind.

    2. In particular, Deltasys will not guarantee that:
      (A) your use of the Services is against your requirements;
      (B) the use of the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or exempt from error checking;
      (C) any information obtained as a result of your use of the Services will be accurate, reliable or current, and
      (D) any defects in operation or functionality of any of the Services, are corrected.

    3. No conditions, warranties or other terms (including any implied terms concerning satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformity to the description) is applicable to the Services, except to the extent expressly defined in the Terms.

    4. Nothing in the Terms will affect the statutory rights to which you will always be entitled as consumer and who, contractually, cannot agree to assign or waive them.

  11. Limitation of Liability

    1. Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit Deltasys' liability for losses which may not be legally excluded or limited by applicable law.

    2. Subject to the general provisioning referred to in paragraph 12.1 above, Deltasys will not responsible for:
      (A) any losses, indirect or consequential that may incur. This will include any loss of income (incurred directly or indirectly), any loss related to good faith or business reputation and any loss of information.
      (B) any loss or damage resulting from: (i) any expectation placed on the level of completeness, accuracy, or existence of any advertisement, or result of any relationship or transaction with any advertiser or sponsor whose advertisement appears on the Services. (ii) any changes that Deltasys may make the Services, or by any permanent or temporary cessation of provision of the Services (or any features within the Services themselves); (iii) the elimination, corruption or inability to store any Content or other information resulting from communications maintained or transmitted by or through your use of the Services; (iv) failure by you to provide correct information regarding the account, the Deltasys; (v) failure by you to maintain the security and confidentiality of the your account details and password.

    3. The Deltasys limitations mentioned in paragraph 12.2 above will apply regardless of whether Deltasys has, or has not been, alerted to this, or even that it should be aware of the possibility of verifying such losses.

  12. Changes to Terms

    1. Deltasys may make modifications to the Universal Terms or Additional Terms periodically. When these modifications are carried out, Deltasys will prepare a new copy of the Universal Terms and any new Additional Terms will be made available to you within or through the Services assigned to it.

    2. You understand and agree that if you use the Services after the modification of the Terms Universal or Additional, Deltasys will take your use as an acceptance of the Terms Updated Universals and Additionals.

  13. Legal Terms

    1. In certain situations, while using the Services, you may (as a result, or through the use of the Services) use a service or download a piece of software, or buy certain goods provided by another person or company. The use of these others services, software or goods may be subject to terms different from these, the establish between the company or person concerned. In this case, these Terms do not affect your legal relationship with these other companies or individuals.

    2. The Terms constitute the global agreement on legal matters with Deltasys and govern its use of the Services (excluding any services that may eventually be provided by Deltasys under a written agreement other than this one), and replace in its entirety any prior agreements made with Deltasys in relation to the Services.

    3. You agree that Deltasys may provide you with information, including information relating to modifications to the Terms, via email, regular mail, or notices in the own Services.

    4. You agree that if Deltasys does not exercise or use any legal or remedial right contained in the Terms (or to which Deltasys is entitled under any Law applicable), this will not be considered a formal waiver of the rights of the Deltasys, keeping such rights available for all due and legal effects.

    5. If any court of law, having jurisdiction to decide on this matter, determine that any provision of these Terms is invalid, then such provision will be removed from the Terms without affecting the validity of the remaining clauses that compose them, The remaining clauses of the Terms will remain valid and effective.

    6. The Terms, as well as your relationship with Deltasys under these Terms, will be governed by Portuguese Law. It agrees with Deltasys to submit to the Portuguese Courts the resolution of any legal issues arising from the Terms. Without prejudice to the above, you also agree that Deltasys may still be entitled to file injunctive (or equivalent of urgent legal guarantee) in any jurisdiction.

  14. Database

    1. The information available in the Deltasys database made available through the tinlookup.com, is for the exclusive use of its users and may not be reproduced, published or redistributed, in whole or in part, without the express authorization of Deltasys which, in turn, does not guarantee the absolute correctness of the data, nor is it liable, within the limits of applicable law, for its use for a specific purpose;

    2. Deltasys is available to update the information in its database, as long as the responsible persons are properly identified, as well as the information to be updated properly documented.

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