TIN Check Colombia
For individuals:
The TIN is called N.I.T and is issued by the DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia). For individuals, it is also known as NUIP (single personal identification number).
There is a new TIN that consists of 10 digits
(format: 9.999.999.999).
This new TIN coexists with older identification
numbers that consists of either 8 digits (format:
99.999.999, for older citizenship card still in
effect) or 9 digits (format: 999.999.999 / e.g.
numbers already assigned to foreigners).
For entites:
The TIN is called N.I.T and is issued by the DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia).
The TIN consists of 9 digits (format: 999.999.999).