TIN Check Isle of Man
Individuals :
The first TIN equivalent number is the “Tax
Reference Number” issued by the Income Tax
The 2nd TIN equivalent is the “National
Insurance Number (NINO)” issued either by the
Income Tax Division or the HMRC.
The Tax Reference Number consists of 9
characters (format: L999999-99).
For individuals, the 1st letter is “H” and the use of
the 2-digits suffix is optional.
The NINO consists of 9 characters (format:
The TIN equivalent number is the “Tax Reference Number” issued by the Income Tax Division.
The Tax Reference Number consists of 9
characters (format: L999999-99).
For entities, the 1st letter is “C” for companies
and “X” for trusts, foundations and partnerships.
The use of the 2-digits suffix is optional.