TIN Check Guatemala

Individuals / entities :

The Tax Identification Number (NIT) is a number assigned by the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT) in Guatemala to each taxpayer, that is, the person who pays taxes.
According to the Guatemalan Tax Code of the Congress of the Republic, all actions, such as purchases and sales that are made, must be established before the SAT itself and on the invoices. This also applies to any other document that is issued in accordance with the specific law of each tax.
Article 120 of this Code stipulates that all taxpayers and responsible parties are required to register with the SAT, before starting economic and work activities. When a NIT is assigned to the taxpayer, the SAT can keep a reliable count of the taxes that a citizen pays.
Since January 2017, the Unique Identity Code (CUI) and the NIT have been harmonized in the SAT database. This information can be reviewed online from your website and is also useful for those who have forgotten their NIT.


3 to 11 digits

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Our costumers

Our application is used daily by several entities around the world.


Our app is currently used by banks around the world for TIN validation.

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Commercial applications

Currently, merchant platforms use our application to validate TINs.

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Billing software

Our API is used to speed up customer registration and billing process.

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Online e-commerce platforms have integrated our application to speed up sales orders.

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Trade companies

Import/export companies use our API to validate customers' tax identification number.

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Tax authorities

Currently, tax authorities in different countries use our application to validate TINs.

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Create your account and do more validations for free

If you don't want to develop an API to use checks, you can now manually perform checks via the api.tin-check.com.
click the link below and you will receive 10 free validations to use at will in your validations.
If you need help, don't hesitate to contact us.