TIN Check Turkey (TR)
In Turkey, the TIN for individuals that are Turkish citizens is the same as the National Identity Number and for Foreigns staying in Turkey for more than 6 months must obtain
a TIN. In case of Entities the TIN is issued by the Tax Administration.
To validate a tax identification number (TIN) from Turkey, the TIN must be placed on top of it, which must obey the following format:
For Individuals (TIN) (Turkish citizens)
The (TIN) assumes the following format:
• NNNNNNNNNNN (Total of 11 digits)
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
For Individuals (TIN) (Foreigns)
The (TIN) assumes the following format:
• NNNNNNNNNN (Total of 10 digits)
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
For Entities (TIN)
The TIN assumes the following format:
• NNNNNNNNNN (Total of 10 digits)
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.