TIN Check Grenada

Grenadas Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identification number that is used for tax purposes. The TIN is issued by the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) of the Ministry of Finance and is used to identify individuals and businesses that are required to pay taxes in Grenada.

The TIN is a 10-digit number in the format "12NNNNNNNN", where N represents a numeric digit. The first two digits of the TIN are always "12", which identifies the TIN as a Grenadian TIN. The remaining eight digits are randomly generated and uniquely identify the individual or business.

The TIN is used to identify taxpayers and ensure that they are meeting their tax obligations. It is required for all tax-related transactions, including filing tax returns, paying taxes, and receiving tax refunds. Employers are also required to collect and report their employees TINs to the IRD.

Obtaining a TIN in Grenada is a simple process. Individuals can apply for a TIN by completing an application form and submitting it to the IRD along with the required documentation. The required documentation includes a valid government-issued ID, such as a passport or drivers license, and proof of address, such as a utility bill or bank statement.

Businesses can apply for a TIN by completing a separate application form and submitting it to the IRD along with the required documentation. The required documentation for businesses includes a valid business registration certificate and proof of address, such as a utility bill or lease agreement.

It is important to note that failure to obtain a TIN or provide a valid TIN when required can result in penalties and fines. Therefore, it is important for individuals and businesses to obtain and maintain a valid TIN in Grenada.

In conclusion, the Tax Identification Number (TIN) system in Grenada is an essential component of the countrys tax system. The TIN is a unique identification number that is used to identify taxpayers and ensure that they are meeting their tax obligations. It is required for all tax-related transactions and failure to obtain or provide a valid TIN can result in penalties and fines.

Our costumers

Our application is used daily by several entities around the world.


Our app is currently used by banks around the world for TIN validation.

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Commercial applications

Currently, merchant platforms use our application to validate TINs.

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Billing software

Our API is used to speed up customer registration and billing process.

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Online e-commerce platforms have integrated our application to speed up sales orders.

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Trade companies

Import/export companies use our API to validate customers' tax identification number.

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Tax authorities

Currently, tax authorities in different countries use our application to validate TINs.

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If you don't want to develop an API to use checks, you can now manually perform checks via the api.tin-check.com.
click the link below and you will receive 10 free validations to use at will in your validations.
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