TIN Check Montenegro (PIB)

Poreski Identifikacioni Broj (PIB), or tax identification number, is a unique identifier used by individuals and businesses in Montenegro for tax purposes. It is issued by the Tax Administration of Montenegro and is required for anyone who engages in economic activities in the country.

The PIB is made up of eight digits, with the first seven representing the unique identification number and the last one representing a check digit. This check digit is used to ensure the accuracy of the PIB and prevent errors.

Individuals who need to obtain a PIB include those who are self-employed, work as independent contractors, or operate a business in Montenegro. In order to obtain a PIB, individuals must provide the Tax Administration with personal identification information such as their name, address, and identification number.

Businesses in Montenegro are also required to obtain a PIB. This includes companies, partnerships, and other legal entities that engage in economic activities. In addition to providing personal identification information, businesses must also provide information about their legal status and the nature of their business.

Once a PIB has been issued, individuals and businesses are required to use it for all tax-related activities, including filing tax returns and paying taxes. Failure to obtain a PIB or use it for tax purposes can result in penalties and fines.

The PIB is an important tool for the Montenegrin government in monitoring and collecting taxes from individuals and businesses. It allows for more efficient and accurate tracking of economic activity and helps to ensure that all tax obligations are met in a timely and accurate manner.

In conclusion, the Poreski Identifikacioni Broj (PIB) is a crucial identifier for individuals and businesses operating in Montenegro. It is required for tax-related activities and helps the government to monitor economic activity and collect taxes. Individuals and businesses should ensure that they obtain and use their PIB in compliance with Montenegrin tax laws.

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Our costumers

Our application is used daily by several entities around the world.


Our app is currently used by banks around the world for TIN validation.

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Commercial applications

Currently, merchant platforms use our application to validate TINs.

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Billing software

Our API is used to speed up customer registration and billing process.

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Online e-commerce platforms have integrated our application to speed up sales orders.

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Trade companies

Import/export companies use our API to validate customers' tax identification number.

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Tax authorities

Currently, tax authorities in different countries use our application to validate TINs.

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If you don't want to develop an API to use checks, you can now manually perform checks via the api.tin-check.com.
click the link below and you will receive 10 free validations to use at will in your validations.
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