TIN Check Ireland (IE)
In Ireland, the Taxpayer Identification Number TIN for individuals is designated by Personal Public Service Number (PPS Nº) and is issued by the Department of Social Protection. For general entities the TIN is designated by Tax Reference Number (TRN) but in case of entities who are qualified for a charitable tax exemption the TIN is designated by CHY Number. The TRN an CHY Number are both issued by the Revenue Commissioners.
To validate a tax identification number from Ireland, the TIN / PPS / TRN / CHY number must be placed on top of it, which must obey the following format:
For Individuals
The TIN / PPS may assume the following 2 formats:
• NNNNNNNL (Total of 8 digits)
• NNNNNNNLL (Total of 9 digits)
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
L identifies that it must be a letter.
For General Entities
The TIN / TRN may assume the following 2 formats:
• NNNNNNNL (Total of 8 digits)
• NNNNNNNLL (Total of 9 digits)
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
L identifies that it must be a letter.
For Entities qualified for a Charitable Tax Exemption
The TIN / CHY assume the following format:
• from CHYN to CHYNNNNL (4 to 8 digits in Total)
CHY identifies that it a fixed designation.
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
After validation, additional information on the TIN / PPS / TRN / CHY introduced will be made available